Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are one of the best ways to achieve the ultimate aesthetics in a smile. Porcelain veneers involve using a thin layer of porcelain to cover over the front face of the tooth and therefore allow us to change the appearance of the smile. Porcelain veneers can be done on individual or several teeth.
At Honley Dental due to our technical abilities and to the modern, advanced materials we are able to veneer teeth with minimum damage to the natural tooth surface.
- High quality aesthetics
- Good stability
- Healthy teeth may need to be cut down slightly
Becoming a Patient
At Honley Dental we are keen to see our patient’s regularly to encourage prevention and to detect any problems early. Regular dental examinations are essential for ensuring dental and oral health.
For this reason we are delighted to offer the Honley Dental Care Plans, our own membership scheme. This plan enables us to provide you with the treatment and support necessary to prevent and manage disease, keeping your mouth healthy and keeping you smiling.